Dr. Simões Paiva has a Master's in Art History, Theory and Criticism and a Ph.D. in Latin American Studies, both from the University of São Paulo (USP). Currently, she is a professor at the Federal University of Southern Bahia (UFSB), Brazil, where she teaches interdisciplinary arts and critical race studies. She is a member of the Brazilian Association of Art Critics (ABCA) and the International Association of Art Critics (AICA). Her research focuses on relations of gender, race, ethnicity, and geopolitics in contemporary Latin American art, a theme that also crosses her practical work in painting and images made with reproducible techniques, such as stencils, stamps, and prints.
Monographs and edited anthologies
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2022). A virada decolonial na arte brasileira (The decolonial turn on the brazilian art). Mireveja. ISBN: 978-65-86638-31-8 The book addresses the decolonial movement, indicating a major paradigm shift in the art produced in Brazil and in the world, accompanied by an urgent need for historical reparation in the face of the erasure of experiences and memories of the Minoritized groups, which were always on the margins of the artistic system.https://www.editoramireveja.com/product-page/decolonial
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (ed.). (2020) Poéticas da resistência: arte, crítica e direitos humanos (Poetic resistances: art, criticism and human rights). Proceedings of the Brazilian Association of Art Critics Annual Conference. The e-book features texts by critics of contemporary art and culture with a decolonial perspective. ISBN 978-65-87783-02-4 https://abca.art.br/jornada-abca-2020-resistencias-poeticas-arte-critica-e-direitos-humanos/
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2017) São Paulo e Buenos Aires: "Cidades-suporte" para a nova arte urbana (São Paulo and Buenos Aires: "Support Cities" for the New Urban Art). Novas Edições Acadêmicas. ISBN-13: 978-620-2-03733-4 The volume addresses the relations between art and urban space through large murals, graffiti, stickers, tags, interventions, and other artistic expressions. It analyses the symbolic character of the city and the relationship of urban art with the fields of history, theory and criticism of art.https://my.nea-edicoes.com/catalog/details/store/cn/book/978-620-2-03733-4/s%C3%A3o-paulo-e-buenos aires?search=Alessandra%20Sim%C3%B5es
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2023). The Dissolution of the Cognitive Empire: Brazilian Street Art During the Pandemic and the Urban Landscape as a Medium for Decolonial Poetics. Alternautas, 10.
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2023). ESCALA Collection: a British collection and its connections with the internationalisation of Latin American art. Art in translation, 15. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17561310.2023.2266884
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2023). A “virada decolonial” na arte contemporânea brasileira: até onde mudamos? (The “decolonial turn” in Brazilian contemporary art: how far have we changed?) Revista VIS: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Artes Visuais, 21(1), 29–50. https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/revistavis/article/view/43694
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2022). Reapropriar para reparar: o centenário da Semana de 22 sob a ótica decolonial. (Reappropriate to repair: the centenary of the 1922 Week from a decolonial perspective). Revista USP, (135), 215-228. https://www.revistas.usp.br/revusp/article/view/206223
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2022) Corpos insurgentes: o contundente panorama da arte feminista na América Latina no recente livro da pesquisadora argentina Andrea Giunta (Insurgent bodies: the striking panorama of feminist art in Latin America in the recent book by Argentine researcher Andrea Giunta), Palíndromo, 14(32), pp. 349-360. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5965/2175234614322022349https://www.revistas.udesc.br/index.php/palindromo/article/view/18730
Paiva, Alessandra M. S; and Oliveira, Cláudio Jr. (2022) Dança da diferença: o corpo negro e as ideias vibráteis da bailarina brasileira Verusya Correia (Dance of difference: the black body and the vibrating ideas of Brazilian dancer Verusya Correia), Investigaciones en Danza y Movimiento, 3(5), pp. 99-110. ISSN 2683-9318https://revistasojs.una.edu.ar/index.php/IDyM/article/view/117
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2021) A hora e a vez do decolonialismo na arte brasileira (The time and the turn of “decoloniality” in Brazilian art), Revista Visuais, 12(7), pp. 1-17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20396/visuais.v7i1.15657 https://econtents.bc.unicamp.br/inpec/index.php/visuais/article/view/15657
Contributions to symposia
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2022) Artistas brancos e decoloniais: lugar de fala na obra de Adriana Varejão e Luís Zerbini (White and decolonial artists: place of speech in the work of Adriana Varejão and Luís Zerbini), Proceedings of the 31th National Meeting of ANPAP (RE)EXISTENCES. DOI: 10.29327/31ENANPAP2022.513260.https://www.even3.com.br/anais/31enanpap2022/513260-artistas-brancos-e-decoloniais--lugar-de-fala-nas-obras-de-adriana-varejao-e-luiz-zerbini/
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2021) Insurgências poéticas contra a morte e a desumanização: possibilidades estéticas de um "futurismo indígena" (Poetic insurgencies against death and dehumanization: aesthetic possibilities of an “indigenous futurism”), Proceedings of the 30th National Meeting of ANPAP (RE)EXISTENCES. DOI: 10.29327/30ENANPAP2021.383590 [This text is a result of the project "Indigenous and contemporary arts: networks and sharing”, funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development]. https://www.even3.com.br/anais/30enanpap2021/383590- insurgencias-poeticas-contra-a-mortee-a-desumanizacao--possibilidades-esteticas-de-um-futurismo-indigena/
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2021) “Contornos do invisível”: arte brasileira na pandemia e o fim do império cognitivo (Contours of the invisible: Brazilian art in the pandemic and the end of the cognitive empire). In Proceedings of the Brazilian Association of Art Critics Annual Conference 2021, 62, pp. 20-27. ISBN 978-65-87783-03-1 https://abca.art.br/jornada-abca-2021-critica-de-arte-diante-das-crises-atuais/
Paiva, Alessandra M. S; Kaingang, Tadeu, S; and Souza, Sheila, P. D. (2020) Criações criativas e compartilhadas: Povo Imboré da aldeia do cachimbo e estudantes de artes visuais da UFSB (Collective and shared creations: Imboré people from the Cachimbo Village and UFSB visual arts students). In Proceedings of the Brazilian Association of Art Critics Annual Conference 2020, 61, pp. 76-80. ISBN 978-65-87783-02-4 https://abca.art.br/jornada-abca-2020-resistencias-poeticas-arte-critica-e-direitos-humanos/
Edited volumes
Paiva, Alessandra M. S (2021) A "fotografia-corpo" de Marcela Bonfim (The “photography-body” of Marcela Bonfim). Pipa Prize Catalogue, 12(12), pp. 90-97.https://www.premiopipa.com/2021/
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2021) Aos que sempre lutaram - o 'filme-carta' como artefato poético de aprendizagem (To those who have always fought - the 'film-letter' as a poetic learning artifact). In: Livro em Roda: Elos entre Aldeia, Escola Indígena e Universidade (Book in Wheel: Links between Village, Indigenous School and University), Cacá Fonseca; Laura Castro; Márcio Junqueira (eds.). Appris Publishing company, pp. 103-110. ISBN: 978-65-5820-618-7https://www.amazon.com.br/Livro-Roda-Aldeia-Ind%C3%ADgena-Universidade/dp/6558206188
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2014) Democracia Estética (Aesthetic Democracy). In Casa Triângulo: 25 anos (Triângulo Gallery: 25 years), São Paulo: IPSIS, pp. 154-155. ISBN: 978-85-98741-53-6. Printed volume
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2014) Narrativas Visuais (Visual Narratives). In Casa Triângulo: 25 anos (Triângulo Gallery: 25 years), São Paulo: IPSIS, pp. 162-163. ISBN: 978-85-98741-53-6. Printed volume
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2013) A arte de Elizabeth Jobim. (Elizabeth Jobim's art). In Abstracción Geométrica en América Latina. pp. 288-289, Medellín: Arte en Colombia. ISBN: 978-958-57191-1-8. Printed volume
Journalistic outputs
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2023). Os presságios poéticos de André Vargas (The Poetic Omens of the André Vargas). Arte&Crítica. Nº 66 - Ano XX. Associação Brasileira de Críticos de Arte. https://abca.art.br/2023/05/01/os-pressagios-poeticos-de-andre-vargas/
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2023) As bordas pulsantes da Semana de 22. (The pulsating edges of the Week of 22). Arte&Crítica. Nº 65 - Ano XXI. Associação Brasileira de Críticos de Arte. ISSN: 2525-2992.https://abca.art.br/2023/02/01/as-bordas-pulsantes-da-semana-de-22/
Paiva, Alessandra M. S. (2022) A arte contemporânea indígena em constelações tecno-poéticas (Contemporary indigenous art in techno-poetic constellations). Arte&Crítica. Nº 64 - Ano XX. Associação Brasileira de Críticos de Arte. ISSN: 2525-2992. https://abca.art.br/2022/12/01/a-arte-contemporanea-indigena-em-constelacoes-tecno-poeticas/
Simões-Paiva, Alessandra. Dec 2022. Adriana Varejão. Artnexus Magazine, 119. https://www.artnexus.com/es/magazines/article-magazine-artnexus/63891cee7bd43d50b9aa8c48/119/adriana-varejao
PDF: https://files.cargocollective.com/c1096496/ArtNexus-111.pdf
Simões-Paiva, Alessandra. Mar 2022. Regina Silveira. ArtNexus Magazine, 117. ISSN: 01215639. Preview: https://www.artnexus.com/en/magazines/see/6196c984086c35455a76d7fe/117
Simões-Paiva, Alessandra. Mar 2022. Carmela Gross. ArtNexus Magazine, 117. ISSN: 01215639. Preview: https://www.artnexus.com/en/magazines/see/6196c984086c35455a76d7fe/117
Simões-Paiva, Alessandra. Mar - May 2021. Luiz D’Orey. ArtNexus Magazine, 116. ISSN: 01215639. https://www.artnexus.com/en/magazines/article-magazine-artnexus/605a5b602785e76ac1f75ce5/116/luiz-d-orey
Simões-Paiva, Alessandra. Mar - May 2021. Carlos Vergara. ArtNexus Magazine, 116. ISSN: 01215639. https://www.artnexus.com/en/magazines/article-magazine-artnexus/605a539a2785e76ac1f75cdc/116/carlos-vergara
Simões-Paiva, Alessandra. Feb 2020. Cadu, Anita Schwartz Galeria de Arte. ArtNexus Magazine, 115. ISSN: 01215639. Preview: https://www.artnexus.com/en/magazines/see/5dee594cb7a21bf3d79e633a/115
Simões-Paiva, Alessandra. Feb 2020. Ana María Tavares, Silvia Cintra + Box 4. ArtNexus Magazine, 115. ISSN: 01215639. Preview: https://www.artnexus.com/en/magazines/see/5dee594cb7a21bf3d79e633a/115
Simões-Paiva, Alessandra. Sep - Nov 2019. Carlito Carvalhosa, Silvia Cintra + Box 4. ArtNexus Magazine, 114. ISSN: 01215639. Preview: https://www.artnexus.com/en/magazines/see/5dadc202979e386414c6017f/114
Simões-Paiva, Alessandra. Sep - Nov 2019. Laura Lima, A Gentil Carioca. ArtNexus Magazine, 114. ISSN: 01215639. Preview: https://www.artnexus.com/en/magazines/see/5dadc202979e386414c6017f/114
Simões-Paiva, Alessandra. Mar - May 2019. Arte Democracia Utopia - quem não luta tá morto (Art, Democracy, Utopia - Whoever Doesn’t Fight, Dies). ArtNexus Magazine, 112. ISSN: 01215639. Preview: https://www.artnexus.com/en/magazines/article-magazine-artnexus/60a5451079514f7ed7a83c83/112/arte-democracia-utopia-quem-nao-luta-ta-morto-art-democracy-utopia-whoever-doesn-t-fight-dies
Simões-Paiva, Alessandra. Mar - May 2019. Luiz Zerbini – Carpintaria. ArtNexus Magazine, 112. ISSN: 01215639. Preview: https://www.artnexus.com/en/magazines/article-magazine-artnexus/60ad232379514f7ed7a83e0b/112/luiz-zerbini
Simões-Paiva, Alessandra. Feb 2019. Iole de Freitas Galería Silvia Cintra, 111. ISSN: 01215639. Preview: https://www.artnexus.com/en/magazines/article-magazine-artnexus/60a440c779514f7ed7a83bc2/111/iole-de-freitas
Simões-Paiva, Alessandra. Feb 2019. Cesar Oiticica Filho - Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio – MAM Rio. 111. ISSN: 01215639. Preview: https://www.artnexus.com/en/magazines/article-magazine-artnexus/60a4594b79514f7ed7a83bf9/111/cesar-oiticica-filho
Simões-Paiva, Alessandra. Feb 2019. José Damasceno - Galería Millan. 111. ISSN: 01215639. Preview: https://www.artnexus.com/en/magazines/article-magazine-artnexus/60a45dc179514f7ed7a83c02/111/jose-damasceno